Okay, I think it's fair for me to express my opinion given this is a class assignment. I am just having serious issues with turning twitter into a classroom tool, much less posting every day. I guess I could do it every day when I'm online at school, but there is a part of me that finds it unethical to "tweet" while at school since our admin seems to follow the same policy. Maybe others or Sbazak could comment on that. Not just for this assignment but in general. I still see positive ways to use twitter - like a constant process feed for a signal transduction pathway, where every student would have to tweet a step but would not be allowed to tweet a second, thereby making everyone participate. But honestly students tell me they are moving away from twitter to instagram, which is more image friendly, and we have quite the vain generation coming up. They are so used to "selfies" - I liked the challenge I saw earlier this year from the woman challenging folks to give up selfies for an entire month. Very few could do it. So while I can present strategies for using twitter, I think the cultural shift is moving away from it. Maybe it's time to adjust the course to follow...We need to get real and follow what we see and the shift. I don't see twitter surviving the new age...And twitter is especially tough in the sciences, where developments and discoveries happen slowly and are vetted carefully by others....
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