It's hard to describe why Twitter is a challenge. I am usually on the web during the day, and it's such a short post, but I think my conflict has been that so far I am using Twitter only to post in this class. I have had a few chances to share some really fun and interesting activities going on my classes lately, and it becomes easier when others comment which motivates me to elaborate, but my mind doesn't think in short sentences. I'm afraid I'm one of those "novelists" who have trouble summarizing in such short sentences, and I want to post long, elaborating comments that are better suited for blogging or even Facebook. Still, it was fun announcing my field trip recently, and after reading the many ways to use Twitter, I think I have some cool ideas for using it with my classes. For one, I can certainly imagine Tweeting every night "Bunn says - are you studying your Biology?" just to remind them it is not a one-time deal in AP classes. I can also see tweeting single questions, "So, why is it important that Mitochondria and Chloroplasts also have DNA and ribosomes?" just to keep their brains thinking. I believe I'm going to make that a priority next week.
I confess I missed a day of tweeting. It was on the weekend and I was having a great time with my boys, and family, and just didn't feel like tweeting. While I really like technology, I also like my time away from it, and I forgot that I had to tweet that day. Hopefully I made up for it with multiple tweets the past few days :) I think tweeting is interesting, and I want to try it out with my students, but I can honestly say I don't see it working into my personal life :)
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