I've been using Dropbox for a long time now, so this was a fairly easy one to use, except for having tech support having to reinstall the actual software on my newer laptop - anyone else find it contradictory that we are encouraged to use as many technological resources as possible, but aren't allowed to add even a smiley face without tech support? But I digress. We have used Dropbox for Technology enhanced curriculum and questions, and I have used it with my VASS grant and program so I know it fairly well, but I still needed the push to remember to use it with my classes instead of just out of administrative habit.
I wrote a grant a year ago trying to get flash drives for students to be able to save information and then bring it to school for printing. While most of the grant was funded, that part was cut off. I can see using Dropbox as a short term fix (though it still doesn't help those students with no internet access at home), but at least they can use it in class without all of the headaches. And if I want them to create a digital project, they don't need a flash drive - they can save it all on Dropbox and I can grab it later.
My iPad pulled in Dropbox just fine - except that I forgot that most of the files it pulled in I can't edit and re-save to Dropbox on the iPad :) Still - I can see them which is helpful. As long as I remember that limitation, I will be great :)
I like your quote. It matches your persistence in trying to make Dropbox work for your students.