Sunday, December 15, 2013

Module 3 - Assignment 3 - Exploring Google Docs forms

    I never really understood why people were Google crazy until I began diving into the various pieces of the Google toolbox. I really like the input-output sequence of Google forms. On the input, students, parents and others can answer specific questions or input ideas based on a user-friendly template that makes one feel more at home. Most folks have ordered something online and are used to the sometimes complicated forms that exist in the online marketplace, so these forms seem simple by comparison. The fact that the data is being aggregated into a worksheet file, or other reporting mode is spectacular - it allows for digital collection, editing, and saving of all information in one spot. Perfect for the Biologist who is sometimes referred to as "the Piler" when it comes to papers and forms.
   I see several ways to utilize Google forms. Six of them are included here, but there are many more that are bouncing around in my subconscious now as possible tools for the future.
  • Beginning of the year survey - what a concept! As simple as it sounds, the ability to have all information already completed without having to retype everything into a spreadsheet, or keep up with piles of papers or index cards is sweeeeet.
  • Quickwrite - Perfect for teaching the art of the free-response to AP students and teaching writing in the sciences in general for all courses. This is a great starter for the day for an AP class.
  • Data gathering for a science experiment - no more creating tables on the board for students to fill in their data and others to copy. As students complete a laboratory exercise, they submit their data to the form and it is automatically included. If the form is placed in a common access, students can then download the form and complete the experimental analysis quickly.
  • Textbook reading - students are assigned a passage or pages in the textbook to read for content understanding and then respond to given questions - again a great way to avoid piles of paper for a daily assignment.
  • Requests for after-school assistance - students can utilize the form to request help after school without the embarrassment of asking in front of others, and I have documentation of their request and my response.
  • Feedback from parents - any parent with a concern can reach me with it day or night and they are organized into a single document for record keeping purposes. On my side I can have a form for myself showing how I responded, that downloads into the same document.
Long live Google forms!

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